Who we are

Simon Twe Founder

Born and raised in SE Asia, Simon has been living in Europe for the past 10 years. Having worked in the hotel industry for all his professional life, he understands the demands and needs of the modern traveller. He is travelling around the world, always in search of suitable hotels to meet our tour companies‘ requests.

Being well aware how much struggle it is for hotels to be represented on all major trade shows and establishing new contacts with tour companies, Simon is our link to our hotel partners and assists them with all their needs. He is multilingual and has a fantastic understanding of European and Asian cultures.

Michael Bednarek Founder

Having worked in tourism his entire life, Michael has build an extensive network of partners in the travel industry. Besides fascinating travellers as a multilingual tour guide covering worldwide destinations, he also extended his activities into product management for major tour companies, contracting group rates, designing itineraries and tour brochures, as well as acting as sales reptesentative on sales calls, road- and trade shows.

A few years back he founded his own tour company, connecting with tour operators and hotels worldwide he has worked with over the years.

He is well known in the travel industry and is the link to Simi‘s tour company and travel agent partners, understanding their difficulties getting the right accommodation at suitable group rates.